Our minimum 0rder for delivery is $40.
Local delivery only: $10.00
Delivery terms of service:
Claim of non-delivery:
If you place your order through us and claim it was not delivered. Please give a 24-48 hour for us to investigate the matter. In many cases, it may be that delivery was attempted but the recipient was not available to receive, (Either not home, at Work, or etc.) And no one was able receive the delivery on their behalf. In the case, we will contact the recipient to make arrangements for delivery at a suitable time. An additional delivery fee will be charged if another attempt to deliver was not successful. If delivery was not made, due to weather conditions that is beyond our control we will provide 50% refund. If your claim was unfound, we reserve the right to reject your claim.
Customer misinformation:
Once a delivery has been made, we have completed our service and are no longer liable if misinformation was provided.
Delivery rejection:
If delivery was rejected by the recipient. A refund will not be provided. We are not liable for the recipient’s decision.
Delivery procedure:
If your delivery was left at a residence; we are not liable for any damages that occur after drop off. We will leave the flowers in the shadiest spot possible. We cannot guarantee the condition of the flowers. If the delivery is stolen, please give a 24-48 hour for us to investigate the matter to confirm the drop off and is not liable for refund or replacement.
Quality reassurance:
If delivery has been made, and there is a question due to the quality of the flowers. The recipient should contact us within 24 hours. If the the arrangement has been compromised. We will provide 50% refund.
Terms of service:
Due to the season and market conditions, this
may affect availability.